|Colossians 3:2-3 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Your old self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God.” What if you could change your whole life with just one choice of stepping away, would you do it? What if all it takes is dying to your flesh sin nature to become #reNEWed through Christ, would you trust God enough to let him do that work in you? The truth is sin is easy, addictive, habitual, subtle, we are sinful by nature...and it’s painful to become aware of how short we fall of a sin free life (including the not loving others). Sin creates fires in our life that we search on our own for the water to put them out, to quench our thirst from the smoke we’ve inhaled from all our sinful decisions. God’s promise is simple tho- He’s saying if you just believe in me, have faith in me, abide [live] in me, allow me to direct you, correct you [by the Holy Spirit], drink from ME the Living Water (John 4:10) and never be thirsty again...I will show you exactly how to die to your flesh, pray to me and I’ll tell you exactly what to work on for a better life, ask for my help and I’ll show you strength, peace, and joy like you’ve never felt before. God is waiting for us to chose Him over our familiar and comfortable sin this year. He’s ready to lead you to a purpose filled life. Step away, claim your life, it’s time to make this year a real new you!
